In 2025 flights to Greenland do not go to Kangerlussuaq, instead a new airport opens i Nuuk, so you have to fly there, and on a domestic flight to Kangerlussuaq. By then there should be a new system in Nuuk so there will be better regularity than there is in Nuuk now. This will probably not make much difference when flying from europe, but it might get alot easier getting here from noth america.
Crossbow is not allowed in Greenland
Compound bow only with clear accept at booking, and you have to be 2 hunters sharing a guide.
Ending dates on hunts are the day we return back to Kangerlussuaq town, so you cant fly home that day. Returnflight should be the day after, or later.
Please notice its not allowed to bring any 500 euro notes in or out of Greenland/DK
Winterhunt dates 2025
Tour 1 - 28/2 to 5/3 - sold out
Tour 2 - 7/3 to 12/3 - sold out
Tour 3 - 14/3 to 19/3 - sold out
Tour 4 - 21/3 to 26/3 - sold out
Tour 5 - 28/3 to 2/4 - sold out
Tour 6 - 4/4 to 9/4 - sold out
Tours are for 4 persons, but can on some tours take groups up to 6. Please as for possibilities.
Winterhunt prices 2025
Musk-ox hunt with one musk-ox 4200 euro
Extra musk-ox 1800 euro
Caribou addon 600 euro
Non hunter rate 2500 euro
Rifle rent (Tikka T3) 150 euro
Rifle rent (Blaser, also left hand) 220 euro
Shipping of trophy to Dk pr trophy 400 euro (not including veterinarian control and transport in Denmark, the taxidermist take care of that)
All prices are in euro, but can be payed in US dollar or dk/kr at daily rate.
When paying with cash, we cant take 500 euro notes.
Also we cant accept any money with color or writing on it.
Summer and autumn huntingdates 2025
In 2025 we only book 2 hunters pr tour for now. The government have announced new rules for guides, so until we know what that means i only book as many as i can guide myself if nescessary.
There might open up for 4 hunters pr tour when we know more.
I can take 3-4 hunters coming together, as long as you know there might only be me as guide. Will be OK if you are only here for 1 animal pr hunter.
Tour 1 to 2 is in our concession area 11 near the inlandice, we drive by car and sail to camp, no walking to camp. Meat and trophy will be transported from camp to town by boat and car. Big chance of musk-ox close to camp. Max 2 hunters pr tour.
Tour 1 - 31/7 to 5/8 - sold out
Tour 2 - 8/8 to 13/8 - sold out
Tour 3 Helicopterhunt with one musk-ox and one caribou pr hunter, we fly out to the highlands north of Kangerlussuaq, 5 hunters. Its possible to add one extra caribou, but not musk-ox .
Tour 3 - 15/8 to 21/8 - 3 openings
Tour 4 to 7 is on our concession area 9 and the concessionfree area north of it. We go by car, boat, and have to walk about 7 km to camp. Luggage and trophies will be transported from/to town by ATV. Max 2 hunters pr tour.
Tour 4 - 25/8 to 30/8 - sold out
Tour 5 - 3/9 to 8/9 - sold out
Tour 6 - 12/9 to 17/9 - sold out
Tour 7 - 22/9 to 27/9 - sold out
Tour 8 to 11 is in our concession area 11 near the inlandice, we drive by car and sail to camp, no walking to camp from town. Meat and trophy will be transported to town from camp by boat and car. A little fewer musk-ox late october, but really good caribou hunt with many big animals. Max 2 hunters pr tour.
Tour 8 - 3/10 to 8/10 - sold out
Tour 9 - 10/10 to 15/10 - sold out
Tour 10 - 17/10 to 22/10 - sold out
Tour 11 - 24/10 to 29/10 - sold out
Summer and autumn huntprices 2025
Caribou hunt with one animal 4200 euro (aug-sept-oct)
Musk-ox hunt with one animal 5400 euro (aug-sept-oct)
Helicopterhunt (combo) 14000 euro
Caribou addon 600 euro
Additional price 1:1 guide 1800 euro (when possible)
Non hunter price 1800 euro (not possible at helicopterhunts)
Musk-ox addon 1800 euro
Rifle rent (Tikka T3) 150 euro
Rifle rent (Blaser, also left hand) 220 euro
Shipping of trophy to DK pr trophy 400 euro (not including veterinarian control and transport in Denmark, the taxidermist takes care of that)
All prices are in euro, but can be payed in US dollars or dk/kr, at daily exchange rate.
When paying in cash, we cant take 500 euro notes.
Also we cant accept any cash with color or writing on it.
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