
Trophy Hunting Greenland

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TROPHY SHIPPING and Practical information, packinglist, safety

We pack and send trophy for you. It is sent as freeze cargo, and we take care of everything with health certificate and ship to Aarhus in Denmark. We ship all trophy to First Class Trophy in Denmark www.firstclasstrophy.com they take care of the trophy in DK, bordercontrol transport etc. Our shipping prices is based on shipping all trophy to one reciewer.

Taxidermistprices 2025 for dip&pack or full work, further transport and other info you will find here: AfterTheShot

Notice easier and lower transport costs to the US here in 2025 


From the winter hunt we sendtrophies in mid june at the first ship connection.

From the autumn hunt we send them with last ship, approximately mid October. October trophies is sent in autumn.

When sending trophies, we take reservations for any mistakes and damages caused by Royal Arctic Line or any other company that transport trophies from Greenland to Denmark.


About small game, then we can unfortunately only send bird game. Arctic fox and snowhare cant be sent out of Greenland with the caribou and musk-ox as untreated. They have to be skinned and salted so all vira is killed, and sent with EU trading papers. Costs 450 euro pr skinn (if you skin them yourself when you are here its just 50 Euro pr fox/snow hare). Are only sent once a year, all foxes are skinned at the same time by rabies vaccinated staff.


When you fly here, then you travel to Copenhagen airport in Denmark, from there you fly with www.airgreenland.com to Kangerlussuaq in Greenland, where we pick you up at the airport.

(Some hunters from north america wants to fly over Iceland or Iceland-Nuuk, but we dont recommend that. Delayed luggage, delayed planes due to bad weather in Nuuk, few departures so if you get delayed there migth not be e new departure soon. Evening arrival so you lose a huntingday. Thats all normal when you fly that way.) 


If you want to bring your own hunting rifle, then you have to fill out a form that you submit at tjekin at Airgreenland at Copenhagen airport, you will find it here: Weaponsform

You also have to bring your EU weaponspas or other documentation that you own the rifle you bring.

It requires no permit from the police or other authorities to bring normal non automatic huntingrifles to Greenland.

Please notice that min. cal. for musk-ox is 30.06


Our suggested packinglist you find here: Packinglist


Our assumption of risk, that must be signed before hunt starts can be dpwnloaded here: Assumption of risk

You will find our safetyplan here: Safetyplan


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